Gradebook Reports
Lesson 4: Grade Reports
The grade report editor is the function and settings of reporting the results of specific categories of grades for students and for the instructor’s information near the end of the course, or at any given time during the course. The settings allow for individual nuances of when the report will appear and leave the student view. The overall grade report will also display the average of the student for the end of the term. For the instructor, the overall grade report will display in the grade grid for the final student grade. This is the place to look in the course, after all work has been turned in and graded, to look for the configured final grades that will be transferred to the student information system.
The title will describe the type of report that will be displayed. Be sure to select the type of title that is descriptive of the type of report you desire.
The ‘category’ defines which category will be displayed in the grade report. The form of display may include a report of all the categories, or at times may report just individual, specific items that students and the instructor may want to display for a specific amount of time.
Start/ End Dates:
Select dates for the reports to appear, such as midterm or at the end of the course. Instructors must decide what is an appropriate time for students to see such a report, either have it up always, or at incremental times to remind the student about their performance in the class.
Overall Format:
Decide what format the report will present. How the Overall grade is presented can keep students informed at all times about the status of their grade. It will be the last impression made upon the student, as this is where the ‘overall average’ in both a formative timeline, as well as represent the summative grade at end of the course. Whether displayed in an alphabet mode or alpha numeric, the overall format will produce a clear cut total / summary of status for earned grades from the student.
The Grade Reports is how student will see their grades. Therefore, the clearer the instructor presents this information, the least likely there is a chance for so many questions that are often related to grades. Proper formation of these settings will enable the student to know what they have in any given category, and know that they weight of that category may be more than others. Or, in the point based system, the overall grade is easily understood, as a total, cumulative number equates to an letter grade of equal value, as pre-set in the grading scale. Grades are just as important to students and to instructors, so it is imperative that this last and vital step is easily understood to execute by the instructor in his course and understood by the students receiving the information as well.
Posting of the answers in the Blog assignment will asks the students to define what the Overall Grade report function is, and how the Default settings can be utilized.
This will help to demonstrate the understanding of the default settings of the Overall grade function, possibly having the student go back to define for yourself what the Default function was, how it works, and what it means to have the Overall grade set to a default setting, or perhaps ‘customize’ the setting here, with a specific purpose in mind.
Gradebook Activity: Summary of Lessons
If you have competed each of these activities, you should have a functional, online gradebook for use in your Angel course.
The basic steps have been completed ! Please be sure to send an email to for any further assistance or questions of any kind regarding your Angel course environments. Good Luck incorporating your online gradebook into your face to face, online and blended learning environments !